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Friday, June 29, 2012

Purpose, Clarity and Divine Intervention (and everything in between)

I heard a great analogy last week. It went like this: this woman was taking her Grandson for his annual eye appointment because he needed new glasses.  She never needed glasses but since she had to take him any way and they were having a ‘buy one eye exam get one free’ special, she decided to take advantage of the 2’fer and got an eye exam too. After the exam, the eye doctor asked her where her glasses where. She responded that she didn’t wear glasses and didn’t need them. The Dr. corrected her and said that she needed them and should have been wearing them for years. When she put the glasses on, she realized immediately that her eyes were adjusting to the level of deficiency that was present. If you don’t know better, you can’t do better. If you limit yourself and are filled with fear about leaving the things behind that you know are wrong for you, you may not ever realize it.

 This spoke to me in so many ways that I started really thinking about what it was that I was selling myself short on.  What decisions was I making out of fear—fear of not having financial security, fear of being alone, etc. that was crippling my ability to move forward on my path?

Be aware that if you start seeking clarity, it will come. What comes isn’t always pretty so it may be a difficult pill to swallow when you start thinking about the things that placed you where you are right at this moment.

I spent so many years trying to suppress all the experiences in my life that didn’t necessarily feel pleasant to think about.  One day someone I love asked me why I was so angry? For the first time I think in my whole life I was rendered speechless. I knew I was angry I just had no idea why. 

Where the true journey began for me was when I started to revisit memories that I had that were hard instead of comforting. I believe there is a divine plan for all of us. One that we’re supposed to walk down and there’s an infinite number of branches we can take to get where we’re really fated to go anyway. There are things that prevent you from fulfilling your purpose while you’re here. Let’s call them detours. Some are long, some are short but mostly all of them make you become misaligned with what you’re truly supposed to be doing. You’ll know you’re there when things start to go wrong at a rapid pace and life becomes out of your control.   It’s okay to take a detour, as long as you’re strong enough to find your way back.  

Once I truly began reflecting I had a moment of realization:  the only things that a matter while you’re on this Earth is your connection with other people. Human connections are part of our soul’s purpose. Think of all the times a huge thing has happened in your life. Majority of the time, the big things in your life, the ‘life changers’ , happen seemingly by accident or were a huge surprise.  Some people are put in your path to teach you important lessons about yourself. Sometimes, you’re placed in other’s lives to make an impact on them. Either way, everything you do has purpose.

So make yours a great one. Give the best of yourself to every person that you encounter—trust me, a simple smile to a stranger can matter more than you’ll ever know.